How to Get a Smaller Stomach - Two Tips That Work

For most people, I believe the stomach or the waistline-if you will-is the area of the body that bothers them the most.
If they could just have a smaller waist-they would be happy.
With this in mind, below, I am going to give you two tips that you can start using today that will help you get the smaller stomach and waistline that you want.
Here we go!
I know everyone is busy, but the problem with eating on the run is that it is very easy to over eat.
And in the process stretch out the stomach.
Bodybuilders have known the benefits of eating small meals every two-to-three hours for years.
First, this, as stated above, helps to keep the stomach smaller by not stretching it out with three massive meals per day.
And second, it help keeps your blood sugar levels stable-so you will be less likely to crash and pig out on junk food.
When most people first here about the concept of eating several small meals a day they make the mistake of thinking that each of these meals needs to be a twelve course feast.
No chance.
A handful of unsalted raw almonds fits the bill as a "meal" when time is tight.
So does a piece of fruit or a high quality protein shake?
Everybody has different tastes, so take the time to put together some fast meals so that you are never forced to eat junk food the next time you are short on time.
I have talked about this exercise before, but it is worth repeating anytime the discussion turns to getting a smaller stomach.
Stomach vacuums are basically done by expelling as much air out of your lungs as possible and then pulling in your stomach as far as you can.
Yes, you might not be able to do this very well the first couple of time you try it-but keep at it as it will get easier.
Your goal should be to work up to being able to hold a vacuum for a minute.
Because stomach vacuums work the deep abdominal muscles-they can-over time-help give you a smaller stomach.
One thing about stomach vacuums is that they can be done anywhere or any time.
They work better on an empty stomach, but nevertheless you can do them whenever the urge or the opportunity presents itself.
If we are honest with ourselves, when we have a nice small stomach-we know we are in shape-and our confidence is high.
If you feel your stomach/waist is not quite as small as you would like it to be, give the above tips a try.
I know if you do-a smaller stomach could just be the result.
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