What Does It Take to Rediscover Your Perfect Male Body?

Your DNA can be used to uncover your perfect body, hiding underneath the extra layer you have grown in the last few years. The perfect body is still there, you know, you've just put an extra layer on top which we can help you lose.

If you want a way to kill belly fat and pack on inches of muscle, we can help you. Of course you have to do the work, it doesn't happen all by itself. If you are willing to do something every day to work towards your goal and you have a strong vision of how you want to look, you'll be able to do it. It doesn't even matter where you are starting from or what your body type is, there is an individual answer for you.

What will happen as you progress towards your goal is that your self-confidence will soar, and so will your health, strength and physical attractiveness.

I bet you have longed to be so attractive that both women and men can't help but admire and respect you. What you may not know is that women are not attracted to the bulked up body builder look. What has been scientifically proven is that women are involuntarily attracted to the body shape that was depicted by the historical artists and sculptors - the body shape seen in the beautiful sculpture of David.

The secret to this shape is a particular proportion of your waist to your shoulders. This is the strongest and most natural form which occurs right throughout nature, and this is what you will be aiming for. It is worth thinking about our modern way of life, because it actually takes us away from this beautiful body shape.
When thinking about your body, and what sort of first impression you make when you walk into a room, just consider this... people judge you within the first 2 - 4 seconds of seeing you. What would it be worth to you to be able to create that ultimate first impression? I'm guessing it would be priceless.

The best way to work towards finding your perfect male body again is to work at it to get back to that perfect body that you're only dreaming about right now. You can achieve rapid and targeted fat loss and muscle-building - no matter where you are starting from it is possible.

The first thing to do is to get your body proportion correct. This is so important, as it makes the fat loss and muscle-building happen easier and quicker, and in a way that is targeted to you.

It is also important to have a nutrition guide so that you only eat the foods that serve your purpose. There are specific foods that can be matched to specific workouts for maximum impact, and this is very good information to have.

Something else you may not have thought of or know is that 90% of protein supplements are a waste of money. They can strip away muscle instead of building it, and can be a danger to your health. This comes as a surprise to most people, because of what we are told in the popular press - they always indicate that protein supplements are the answer to all your prayers.

So if you have a really strong passion to be leaner, stronger, healthier and more muscular, which will make you feel much better about yourself, don't despair it is possible. There are a few things to remember - you will have to do some work and it won't happen overnight, and you will certainly require a certain amount of discipline. A good trick is to work with someone else so that you keep each other on track.

Maggie E Brown is a writer who advises in the health, fat loss and muscle building area. You can check out her latest website at Perfect Male Body, where she talks about a very special program that can be tailor made for anyone wishing to lose fat and gain muscle. There is also advice on Preparing For Exercise, and some tips on how to stop overeating.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maggie_E_Brown

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