If you want to build up muscle, there are several easy to follow
tips that I can recommend. Whether you already work out regularly and
want to change your routine to building some bulk or whether you are a
total beginner and just want to learn how to build up muscle, these tips
will be invaluable.
Tip 1 -- work each set to exhaustion. When you work a set, make sure that your last repetition, or rep, is so difficult that you cannot do another one without a small break period between sets. This will ensure that the muscle fibres are worked so hard that they will need repair. It is this repair that will build up muscle mass.
Tip 2 -- increase protein intake. Protein is the basic building block for your body to repair the muscles after a workout and build up muscle. If you don't eat a lot of protein, you will simply wither away and not increase your muscle mass whatsoever.
Tip 3 -- do eight to twelve reps per set. A good guide is to perform a minimum of eight and no more than twelve repetitions per set. Too few reps means that you are resting too much and not working out enough. Too many reps means that you are not doing a big enough workout and will not build up muscle fast. If you are hitting twenty reps easily, you need to add more weight!
Tip 4 -- cottage cheese is a wonder food. Cottage cheese is great if you are body building. Sure, it tastes a bit strange, but it is low in carbs and fats and very high in protein. You can even get flavored cottage cheese these days or incorporate it into some simple recipes.
Tip 5 -- free weights rule! You can build muscle with machine weights. If they are your only weights you can still build up muscle effectively. However, free weights are much more effective. This is for a number of reasons. For instance, free weights require greater balance and you can also perform compound movements. This is where you work several muscles at once instead of just one that you might with a machine. The body loves this type of workout!
Tip 6 -- eat more often! Yes, I am not kidding! It is better to eat smaller amounts more frequently than three bigger meals per day. To build up muscle in the most efficient and fast way, you should eat small meals roughly every three hours. One easy way is to split your lunch in two. You could eat half of it at 12pm and the other half at 3pm.
Tip 1 -- work each set to exhaustion. When you work a set, make sure that your last repetition, or rep, is so difficult that you cannot do another one without a small break period between sets. This will ensure that the muscle fibres are worked so hard that they will need repair. It is this repair that will build up muscle mass.
Tip 2 -- increase protein intake. Protein is the basic building block for your body to repair the muscles after a workout and build up muscle. If you don't eat a lot of protein, you will simply wither away and not increase your muscle mass whatsoever.
Tip 3 -- do eight to twelve reps per set. A good guide is to perform a minimum of eight and no more than twelve repetitions per set. Too few reps means that you are resting too much and not working out enough. Too many reps means that you are not doing a big enough workout and will not build up muscle fast. If you are hitting twenty reps easily, you need to add more weight!
Tip 4 -- cottage cheese is a wonder food. Cottage cheese is great if you are body building. Sure, it tastes a bit strange, but it is low in carbs and fats and very high in protein. You can even get flavored cottage cheese these days or incorporate it into some simple recipes.
Tip 5 -- free weights rule! You can build muscle with machine weights. If they are your only weights you can still build up muscle effectively. However, free weights are much more effective. This is for a number of reasons. For instance, free weights require greater balance and you can also perform compound movements. This is where you work several muscles at once instead of just one that you might with a machine. The body loves this type of workout!
Tip 6 -- eat more often! Yes, I am not kidding! It is better to eat smaller amounts more frequently than three bigger meals per day. To build up muscle in the most efficient and fast way, you should eat small meals roughly every three hours. One easy way is to split your lunch in two. You could eat half of it at 12pm and the other half at 3pm.
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